Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Oil Industry

The Oil Industry Today

In our local news, there has been controversy over our oil industry. One of the main controversies comes from the fact that the United States gas prices are rising at a rapid rate than normal. The rates are so rapid that it takes some people 70 and 80 dollars to fill up their cars every week to attend work. Oil is a major factor in the roles of our lives because we depend on oil to survive. Without oil, there will not be any transportation. Without transportation, people can not go to work. Without work, people can not make money to feed their families and will eventually lead to an outbreak of starvation.

CNN’s reporter, Eric Isaacs, states “Oil consumption in the United States continues to outpace domestic production. U.S. oil production peaked in 1970, and today 51% of our oil is imported. More than 70 percent of that oil is used for transportation” (Isaacs 2011). If our exporters continue to raise the prices of oil, the United States will not be able to import the oil to its country and the American people will have to find alternatives to living. Our nation is so dependent on oil that we really do not have any other means of survival and we will become a weak country if our dependency continues to get stronger.

The government is trying to fight for our country and make negotiations to lower the prices of oil with our exporters, but the fight seems to be a struggle. They are also trying to find alternative ways for us to use less oil and conserve energy. Eric Isaacs also states “That's bad news for the American economy, and it's bad news for American security. We cannot expect to remain a strong, vibrant and globally competitive nation if we do not end our dependence on foreign oil” (Isaacs 2011). I am a believer that in the future of America, we will face a catastrophe of problems and our country will be fighting for survival more than it is right now.

It is very important that we account for everything that we are doing to harm this country and we need to change our ways of living in the present so that we can look forward to a nice future. Transportation is very important to most people because this is how we get to and from work to make money for our families. We have to be kind to Mother Nature so that Mother Nature can be kind to us.

Isaacs, ER (June 2011). U.S. can break addiction to imported oil.

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